In business life, improving time management skills can be one of the best investments you ever make. Time management is all about making best use of time. Even though it is not possible to expand the number of hours available; they can be used more effectively.
The best way to find out how are you spending your time is to keep a time log. Keeping a time log can seem very tedious. However, in order to develop the right time management skills, it is an important first step. A time log is a record of how you are spending your time over a few days.
You can keep track of your time through this technique. To keep a time log, you will need to set up a form in advance. Rather than having to open up a computer document each time, printing out a form and keeping a paper copy on your desk may be a better option.
Other alternatives include using a notebook or index cards. In business life, a time log can be used to determine how you arer spending your time, identify time wasters and get better at estimating how long a task will take you to complete.
It can also enable you to make better use of your leisure time, so that you can start setting aside an hour or several hours a day to achieve your personal goals. Coming up with strategies to make better use of your time is another advantage of keeping a time log.
It can also help you prevent spending time on activities which should have had a lower priority. A time log can also provide you with some information as to measuring the results of your efforts to become more productive. Lastly, it can help you identify how you are procrastinating.
Procrastination is often confused with laziness, but in fact, they are quite different. Procrastination is an active process in which you choose to do something else instead of
the task that you should be doing. In contrast, laziness suggests inactivity and an unwillingness to act.
Procrastination generally involves ignoring an unpleasant, but a more important task, in favor of one that is more enjoyable. It can cause a range of problems. First of all, it wastes time. The time you should have spent doing the task you’re postponing is generally spent unproductively.
Besides, wasting time means you do not leave enough time to complete a job. Hence, the output is rushed and likely to be below standard. It makes us feel annoyed, guilty, and
eventually frustrated. Procrastinating can lead to a whole range of negative emotions.
When we procrastinate over a long period of time, we can become demotivated and disillusioned with our work, which can lead to depression and even job loss. The best way to overcome procrastination is to get and stay motivated. Motivation is the inner force that makes us take action.
Finding out what motivates you can be helpful to stop you from procrastinating. Strategies for reducing the times you procrastinate also include reminding oneself of the benefits of completing the job and breaking a job down into manageable tasks, so that it becomes
more achievable.